Bingo Lingo Online

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Viewing the online chat can be like trying to understand a new language for those that are unaware of all the terms. We will help you get up to speed with all the Bingo Lingo so you can maximize your enjoyment in the chat room.

Bingo Lingo Online

:p – Smile with tongue out
*G* – Giggle or grin
*H* – Hug
*K* – Kiss
*S* or πŸ™‚ – Smile
*W* or πŸ˜‰ – Wink
AAMOF – As a matter of fact
AFAIK – As far as I know
AFK – Away from keyboard
AFK2P – Away from keyboard to pee
AKA – Also know as
ASAP – As soon as possible
ASL (A/S/L) – Age/Sex/Location
B4 – Before
B4N – Bye for now
BAK – Back at keyboard
BBL – Be back later
BBIAB – Be back in a bit
BBS – Be back soon
BDT – ’bout darn time
BF – Boyfriend
BLNT – Better luck next time
BO – Blackout
BRB – Be right back
BTDT – Been there done that
BTW – By the way
CYA – See ya
CYAL8R – See ya later
EG – Evil grin
EMSG – Email message
FAQ – Frequently asked questions
FWIW – For what it’s worth
FYI – For your information
GF – Girlfriend
GG – Good going – Good game
GL – Good luck
GL2U – Good luck to you
GLA – Good luck all
GLE – Good luck everyone
GM – Good morning
GMTA – Great minds think alike
GN – Good night
GR8 – Great
GTSY – Glad to see you
Hs&Ks – Hugs and kisses
HB – Hurry back
HHIS – Hanging head in shame

How to play Qingo Bingo Multiplayer Every 30 seconds, a new set of bingo balls drops down to the bottom of the screen. The balls are numbered between 1 and 15. If you see a ball number that matches an empty bingo-card slot, click the slot, and the ball will automatically fill it. Joker balls are indicated with a. It is true that you can learn the language by checking out free online bingo sites. However, there is a way for you to avoid jumping blindly into the world of online bingo. Here at HitYah, we provide a number of useful resources you can use to learn everything you need to know about playing bingo online.

IC – I see
IGP – I gotta pee
IMO – In my opinion
IRL – In real life
JK – Just kidding
JMO – Just my Opinion
JTLYK – Just to let you know
KIT – Keep in touch
KOTC – Kiss on the cheek
KOTL – Kiss on the lips
L8R – Later
L8RG8R – Later gaiter
LMAO (A/S/L) – Laughing my ass off
LMBO – Laughing my butt off
LOL – Laughing out loud
LTNS – Long time no see
LY – Love ya
NP – No Problem
OIC – Oh I see
OMG – Oh my God
OTFL – On the floor laughing
OTOH – On the other hand
PITA – Pain in the ass
PM – Private message
POOF – I have left the chat<PPL – People
QT – Cutie
ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO – Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
SD – Sweet dreams
SO – Significant other
SOHF – Sense of humor failure
SRY – Sorry
STU – Same to you
SYS – See you soon
TC – Take care
TOY – Thinking of you
TT – Ta ta
TTFN – Ta ta for now
TX – Thanks
TY – Thank you
TYVM – Thank you very much
VEG – Very evil grin
WB – Welcome back
WTG – Way to go
YBS – You’ll be sorry
YW – You’re welcome

  • Online Bingo Online bingo has really taken off in the UK since 2003 and this has helped add to the bingo lingo that already exists. β€˜Two fat ladies’, a term used in bingo regularly has become legendary for the number 88 and β€˜eyes down’ and β€˜full house’ are more iconic examples of lingo that is exclusive to bingo.
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There are many gambling niches out there and each one has developed its own terms and language that can be quite confusing to newcomers. The odds that accompany horse racing seem straightforward enough, but the bookies have developed their own gambling language when referring to racing odds and this can leave punters feeling perplexed. Even table games such as Poker have very specific lingo that is used during a game at Umbingo. Slot terms such as RNG or Random Number Generator and RTP or Return To Player percentage, can leave gamblers feeling puzzled too. The biggest unique vocabulary of all the gambling games is reserved for bingo. This is due to the phrases that are used to refer to each number being called out by bingo callers up and down the UK.

Bingo History

The origins of the game of bingo can be traced back to a popular national lottery game that was invented in Italy back in 1530. The French took this game and modified it and it was this updated version that hit the UK in the 18th century. Like most gambling games, this proved a big hit with the UK public. However, modern bingo that we know and love has more in common with Le Lotto, which is the French version of the Italian lottery game, but without the Italian lotto, bingo would not exist.

Bingo Traditions


Bingo Lingo Online

When bingo hit the United States it was called Beano and this is what players would shout out when they won. Everywhere else, people would shout out bingo and this eventually become the norm in America too purely by accident. It is believed that a player shouted out bingo instead of Beano and marketing men preferred bingo as the most marketable name for the game.

Bingo Lingo Online Game

Bingo Lingo

Bingo Lingo Calls

Bingo Lingo has been shaped by the UK and this is where most of the bingo lingo has originated from. The terms that have been invented and used by bingo callers can still be experienced today in bingo venues and online. Here are some useful bingo lingo terms to learn when you negotiate online and land-based bingo venues. Bingo board is where you can view the numbers that are called out. The bingo lobby online is the area of the site that houses all the bingo games and this is where you buy your tickets. CH is short for the chat host that can be found supervising the bingo chatrooms. Chat name is what you will need to create should you want to participate in bingo chatrooms and bingo related chatroom games. Eyes down, is the prompt from the bingo caller that a game is about to commence. Full house is one of the most popular terms and this is the ultimate aim of every bingo player, to match all the numbers on a purchased ticket. There are plenty of chat acronyms to learn too and then of course there are the classic bingo caller terms for each number called out.